Vinnie Jones goes shooting

A Hollywood star who loves his hunting and shooting: Vinnie Jones takes his mates to the home of East Anglian bird shooting, Six Mile Bottom. They are on a simulated game day, shooting clay pigeons that fly at them like real pheasants and partridges. They also shoot clay targets including running rabbits, grouse and duck. […]

Ferreting rabbits with every dog we’ve got

Ferreting rabbits with every dog we’ve got

The South Somerset Ferreters are back! After their hugely popular first outing on Fieldsports Channel, they are now ferreting the El Dorado of rabbit warrens, on a secluded hillside in Somerset, UK. Join the gang as they use every scrap of net, ferret and dog to rid a farm of the worst of a rabbit […]

Roe stalking in Hampshire – poaching problem

Roe stalking in Hampshire – poaching problem

Roy Lupton is out after roe does in Hampshire and is horrified to find that poachers have been killing his deer. This item first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 156. To watch the whole show go to


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