Spanish guns, Spanish birds, English shoot

Spanish guns, Spanish birds, English shoot

We are not shooting just any game birds today. These are Spanish red-legged partridge and we’re in Suffolk to discover why they are over here and if they are any better than the French red-legged partridge we know and love. The day has an all together continental feel, even though the shoot is congregating in […]

Headhunter Chronicles’ Macnab – behind the scenes

Headhunter Chronicles’ Macnab – behind the scenes

Here’s a “behind the scenes” look at the making of Jason Bruce’s Headhunter Chronicles series, out in 2014, much of it set in the UK. In Scotland Jason attempts the famous Macnab sporting challenge – to shoot a red stag, catch a salmon and shoot a grouse, all in one day. Jason was out with […]

Fieldsports Britain : Supercharged driven partridge

Fieldsports Britain : Supercharged driven partridge

A new kind of superfast partridge, grouse, salmon, a red stag, plus News Stump, Hunting YouTube, ‘Hallo Charlie!’ and Calendar. We’re hunting/shooting/fishing the lot this week. A Spanish partridge farm reckons his birds are the best-flying in Europe. He has given a load of them to a Suffolk shoot, and we are there with our […]


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