Tricky Foxes

Tricky Foxes

It’s wet but farmer Andy Crow reckons the foxes will be out “sluggin”. That doesn’t make then easy to hunt down and shoot, as Roy Lupton finds out. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 249. To watch the whole show go to

Ally Gowans roadtests a new rod

Ally Gowans roadtests a new rod

How to buy a fishing rod – with angling legend Ally Gowans. The man who tied the Ally Shrimp, doyen of Scottish salmon fishing Ally Gowans goes to the River Tummel to try out a new rod by Malcolm Gray of Alnwick, and explains how to buy a new rod when you are at a […]

Fieldsports Britain – Hunting Night Wildlife

Fieldsports Britain – Hunting Night Wildlife

Out shooting foxes for a farmer, Roy Lupton comes across all kind of wildlife, including deer and – he reckons – a yeti (we DON’T reckon). Well, there’s one big lesson to learn and that’s backstop – when do you shoot and when do you not shoot? It’s the same message at Holland & Holland […]

Holland & Holland Deerstalkers course

Holland & Holland – deerstalkers’ course

Judging the distance between you and your target can be difficult, Holland & Holland instructors use carefully-positioned deer silhouettes to get you thinking about safe shots, backstops, and then how far your shot will be. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain episode 249. To watch the whole show go to  


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