Fieldsports Britain – Where we screwed up in 2014

Fieldsports Britain – Where we screwed up in 2014

We’ve got deerstalking, birdshooting and a litany of mistakes for you this week. Where everyone else is giving you their ‘best of 2014’, we have put together our ‘worst of’. Which film was most hated? Who is most annoying, James Marchington or Nigel Farage? And what are our top five death threats? Meanwhile, David Carsten […]

Our Top Five Death Threats

Our Top Five Death Threats

Those cuddly peace-loving anti-hunters had a special year in 2014, issuing more than 250 death threats to us via YouTube comments, Twitter and Facebook. Here are the best of them. We also look at which of our films annoyed our viewers the most, who makes them the most cross, and which countries’ citizens watch us […]

Stalking 15ft from a buck

Stalking 15ft from a buck

David Carsten Pedersen of Scandinavian hunting magazine Min Jakt is hunting deer in the south of England on the #passionforhunting Variety Tour. He is out after roebuck and manages to stalk to within 15ft of one of them. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 266. To watch the whole show go to […]

Shotgun Shot: size 1s vs size 6s

Shotgun Shot: size 1s vs size 6s

Andy Crow speaks up on the subject of shot sizes. When to put No 1s into your shotgun (geese), when to use No 4s, 5s and 6s. He shows their different powers with the help of a football. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain, episode 266. To watch the whole show go to


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