Fieldsports Britain – Shooting Deer on the Run

Fieldsports Britain – Shooting Deer on the Run

For fast action, adrenaline-pumping driven shooting, you may not have seen anything like this: Tim Pilbeam is at a Spanish montería in the Andaluz lowlands. Will he overcome his typically British attitude towards shooting moving animals? Find out here. Meanwhile, News Stump leads on the gamekeeper who now has a licence to shoot buzzards, Rob […]

Superb Spanish Montería

Superb Spanish Montería

Tim Pilbeam is off to try driven big game hunting in Spain. It’s an entire year’s worth of game management packed into one day, with 250 dogs, dozens of guns armed with rifles and hundreds of deer, mouflon and wild boar. Tim’s series Rucksack & Rifle is taking him to some of the most exciting […]

Gamekeeper Beats Government – Fieldsports Channel News

Gamekeeper Beats Government – Fieldsports Channel News

Here are the headlines: ☆ Gamekeeper wins right to control buzzards ☆ Scottish Gamekeepers wants heather not woods ☆ Guardian journalist likes hunting ☆ Newspapers pick up our story about antis ☆ First woman to shoot a medal roe buck in Kent ☆ Goodyear gets hysterical about guns ☆ Bowhunter spots burglar ☆ Deer saved […]

Lighting a Fire with Bum Fluff

Lighting a Fire with Bum Fluff

Rob Gearing has an unusual way to make sure you can light your campfire. He is in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, far from a box matches. Happily, he has a flint and some bum fluff. This film is sponsored by Harkila clothing. For more about Harkila go to Rob went to Kyrgyzstan with Tomo […]


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