Fieldsports Britain – Crow’s new shotgun

They are not impressed at Beretta’s UK office. What has Crow been doing to his shotgun? Well: ‘Using it,’ answers Andy Crow. Here is how the professionals take a shooter and fit him with the perfect gun – in this case it’s a 692 Black. That’s not all. They are also servicing his old well-worked […]
How the Pros set up Crow’s shotgun

Andy Crow is getting a new shotgun from Beretta’s UK agent, GMK – and he is handing in his old one for a service. GMK staff do not just sell guns. They show Crow how to get set up with his new Beretta 692 Black. Plus they show how to check over his old semi-auto. […]
How to strip and clean a Beretta semi-auto

How to break down, strip and clean your own Beretta semi-auto. Many issues with a semi-auto can be resolved by you at home. A senior gunsmith at GMK – UK agent for Beretta – takes you through all the stages. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 331. To watch the whole show […]
Battle of wits: Roy vs Foxes

Roy Lupton is out with the Drone Pro 10 night vision, employing all tactics he can to shoot several lamp-shy foxes. For more about the Drone Pro 10x, visit This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 331. To watch the whole show go to