Fieldsports Britain – The Problem of Missing

Fieldsports Britain – The Problem of Missing

Have you ever missed a bird? Thought so. Well, when rook and pigeon shooter Jaf Jefferson has a bad morning’s shooting, he takes his problems to the experts and finds out what to do about it. That’s not all. There is a new British Army anti-poaching unit in News, ‘Hallo Charlie!’ is back, and we […]

Rook Shoot, and what do do when you keep missing

Rook Shoot, and what do do when you keep missing

Jaf Jefferson is having a tough morning’s shooting. The decoy pattern is set, but he cannot connect with the rooks and pigeons. he takes his problem to Dennis Stepney at UK Gun Repairs, who watches the Shotkam footage and solves his ‘missing’ problem. For more from Dennis Stepney, visit For the South Somerset Ferreters, […]


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