Crowhow: Pigeon Shoot Reconnaissance

Andy Crow shows how planning and reconnaissance can make a pigeon day work. He sets up his hide under a tree in the middle of freshly drilled crops. ▶ For more about Blaser’s F16 shotgun, go to ▶ For Gamebore’s Clear Pigeon and bespoke Andy Crow shells, it is ▶ UKShootWarehouse is at […]
Fieldsports Britain – Delicious Deer

It’s the last episode in our series A Year In the Life of Fallow Deer. We are out with Phis Phizacklea looking not just at deerstalking but how to get the best out of the venison afterwards. He picks up tips from a speciality pig farmer. Meanwhile, Crow snatches a reasonable pigeon day from the […]
A Year in the Life of Fallow Deer

Human-animal conflicts hit the headlines as Britain becomes more crowded, and there’s no animal in Britain as big or as conflicting as deer, writes Alex Howell. In urban parks in the summer, they are placid and approachable. The autumn brings dark nights, increased risk of collision with animals and – intoxicated by the deer rut […]