Keeping Your Pheasants Under Control – Modern Gamekeeper #5

Paul Childerley shows what it takes to be a modern gamekeeper. He is working on his shoot in Bedfordshire, bringing on young birds and getting them ready for the shooting season in a few weeks time. Modern Gamekeeper’s sponsors are: ▶ Marsdens ▶ Remington ▶ Shooterking ▶ Barnes VOR-TX ammunition ▶ To go shooting on Paul’s […]
How to shoot a right and a left – Smokin’ Targets Game Flavoured with Mark Winser

Two shots – two birds – and you don’t want to shoot it going away. Top shot Mark Winser explains the process, the timing and the sight picture to take the perfect ‘double’ at pheasants. The film is sponsored by Gamebore We filmed it at Royal Berkshire Shooting School For Mark Winser Coaching, […]