Behind the scenes: Maral Movie, with Alberto Rizzini

Alberto Rizzini made a beautiful film about hunting a Maral stag in Kazakhstan with a Browning Maral rifle. So, what really happened on his trip? He tells the story of the making of ‘Maral Movie: the Ultimate Maral in Kazakhstan’ ▶ Watch the original film: ▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets […]
General licences: the blame game

Charlie Jacoby sits in on the parliamentary committee charged with finding out what went wrong at Natural England to have caused such chaos with the general licences. He listens to the excuses, and talks to committee chair Neil Parish, plus gets reaction from shooting organisations including the GWCT. ▶ Find out more at ▶ […]
Summer deer management – A Year in the Life of Highland Sport part 2

For around three months of the year, red deer are off the shooting menu. Well, that doesn’t mean that Scottish deerstalker Niall Rowantree can hang up his boots. There is general gamekeeping to do – including dealing with pine martens – there are deer to select for culling, and when a crofter complains that stags […]
Fieldsports Britain – Marauding Stags

Summertime for Scottish deerstalkers is a time to make plans. Which deer must be shot – and which will go on to be the fathers and mothers of future herds. In part two of our series A Year in the Life of Highland Sport, Niall Rowantree from Ardnamurchan is looking at what he has got […]