How are your foxes doing, Tony Blair? – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 46

How are your foxes doing, Tony Blair? – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 46 In 2004, Tony Blair restricted hunting with hounds because, he said, it was good for the welfare of the fox. Since then, some estimates put UK fox numbers down 40%. Former head of the League Against Cruel Sports Jim Barrington and journalist Richard Negus want to know if Blair was right or wrong. Plus […]

Hunts feel the heat – Fieldsports News, episode 620

Hunts feel the heat – Fieldsports News, episode 620

Here are the links: Sabs step up attacks on hunts – ITV Is Packham ‘burning car’ for real? – Twitter Antis declare open season on UK country people RSPB lashes out at muirburn – RSPB [PDF] Goose lands on shooter – Facebook Camp Beagle costs £200,000 – Hunts Post Gamedealer faces planning battle – Horsham […]

Close-quarters sika stags

Close-quarters sika stags

How do you whistle in a sika stag? It’s the sika rut in North-West Scotland. Deer manager John Dodd takes two guests out to stalk them. The guests have packed their rifles. Both of them are using Blaser R8. If you are planning a similar trip and  you pack two other vital accessories for woodland […]


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