George Digweed shoots crows in Sussex

George Digweed shoots crows in Sussex

George Digweed tries out the new Idleback pigeonshooting chair on a day in Sussex. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 70. To watch the whole show go to

Fieldsports Britain – Dodgy antis with guns + George Digweed uses night vision

Fieldsports Britain – Dodgy antis with guns + George Digweed uses night vision  (episode 70)

In our Fieldsport Britain programme this week we’ve gone topsy-turvy. We’ve got antis chasing deerstalkers, rabbits chasing rabbitshooters, and crow shooters sitting very, very still or the crows won’t come near them. There’s a new film out called Blooded about antis chasing naked deerstalkers across Mull. Its trailer was so shocking YouTube banned it. It […]


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