Stinky Fishing – beachcasting bait tips

Stinky Fishing – beachcasting bait tips

On Samphire Hoe along the Kent coast, Saul Page (our Master Baiter) is doing a spot of fishing using light gear and some seriously smelly spray-on additive. Finding out which flavour of Stinky Stuff will have the Lynx effect on the unsuspecting wrasse and pouting that are swimming between the rocks around this large flat […]

24hr Pike Race

24hr Pike Race

24 hrs to catch a pike for a fisherman may seem like an easy task, but for a camera man with a fishing rod, reel, a bucket of rubber fish and weird lures it’s an alien experience for a cameraman – for it is our redoubtable cameraman Aaron who is doing the fishing. Starting on […]

LRF: a new trend in fishing

LRF: a new trend in fishing

George Cunningham from Tronix Pro is down on the South Coast with some light gear and jelly worms in his hands. A great spot for some LRF or Light Rock Fishing. He answers the question of what is LRF? And shows us how to set up a drop shot rig, how to hook on a […]

Antique Fly Fishing Hoard – Fishing Britain CSI Tackle

Antique Fly Fishing Hoard – Fishing Britain CSI Tackle

Jason Lewis from the Royalty Fishery has a unique and incredible collection of antique fishing tackle and this week he shows us his antique fly hoard dating back to the 18th century. Including salmon and trout flies designed by Baden-Powell called the prismatic fly made with fine strands of dyed gut. He also shows us […]

Crook-Catching Cash – Fishing Britain NEWS

Crook-Catching Cash – Fishing Britain NEWS

In the news this week we have NFU Mutual’s cash fund of up to £6,500 for people who help prevent fishing gear theft. You could win it. Izaak Walton’s Fly Fishing temple is up for sale for a cool £450,000. Fish have good memories, live in complex social communities where they keep track of individuals […]

Long Distance Pendulum Casting – Gear Guide

Long Distance Pendulum Casting – Gear Guide

Saul Page steps up and shows us how to fire a lead out to the big blue yonder using the pendulum cast and he also shows us a clip he invented to keep your tackle from become weaponized while doing it. This item appears in Fishing Britain episode 25. To watch the whole show go […]

Daiwa Lexa Rods review – Xtra Bites

Daiwa Lexa Rods review – Xtra Bites

The Diawa Lexa range of rods covers every discipline, from small stream, large river, still waters, switch rods and salmon fishing. They are light, responsive and accurate perfect for delicate presentation of your dry fly fishing. With very sensitive tips and a light feel they still boast a strong core composite that has plenty of […]

Fishing Britain – Shore Things

Shore Things – Fishing Britain, episode 25

Fishing Britain is now a playlist. Watch the whole show on YouTube iPad users go to Coastal casting and creating a stink this week here on episode 25 of Fishing Britain. Saul Page is showing us how to get the lynx effect on your bait and make the fish come flocking. He also […]


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