Why do termite mounds point north?
Secrets of the termite mound: why do they point north? How big are they? The African BBQ Hunter is in Namibia to find out. This clip comes from the African BBQ Hunter series. Visit www.bbqhunter.tv Here are the links to the sponsors: Film your African safari www.ratracemedia.com Otjiruze Safaris.com www.otjiruze.com/ Musgrave Rifles www.musgraverifles.co.za/ Minox optics […]
Fieldsports Britain – Mixed sport with Roy Lupton
It’s a day out with Roy Lupton. He is meant to be decoying pigeons to his airgun, but he can’t resist catching the attention of a fox, then there’s the matter of another fox that nearly did for his goshawk, then there are some distracting rabbits, then a rat, and finally he makes the mistake […]