Shooting Cabbage Whites

Charlie’s off with his dad to sort out the scourge of the cabbages with a shotgun. Yes – he is shooting butterflies Unlike most butterflies, which are in serious decline caused mainly by insecticides, the cabbage white has no large natural predators – apart from Charlie. ▶ To find out about Albert Meek’s butterfly shooting, […]
Massive Swedish Goose Hunt

Roy is in Sweden in the capable hands of one of the country’s top goose guiding outfits. It’s a couple of huge goose shooting days on the country’s west coast, with farmers keen to rid the land of the devastating numbers of Canadas and greylags. ▶ This item is sponsored by Aimpoint. For the Micro […]
Fieldsports Britain – Start of the Gooseshooting Season

Roy’s on a major gooseshooting trip to Sweden with Aimpoint and the amazing Gustaffsons, where 50-bird days are minimum. He hooks up with YouTube channel Feliew. They burst out of hides hidden in the stubble to build amazing bags, using a Micro S1 Aimpoint site. Meanwhile, Charlie is off with his dad, shooting butterflies with […]