What’s an Irish gun club? – Fieldsports Ireland, episode 8

Every year, a wildlife sanctuary in Co Kilkenny has a pigeon problem. Who do they call? Jenkinstown Gun Club. The lads from the club come in every year and roost shoot the birds. For Fieldsports Ireland episode 8, Jason Doyle joins them and finds out more about gun clubs and the Irish NARGC. Jason also […]
Irish keeper’s day

Jason Doyle and his girlfriend Carly join the Shelton Abbey Shoot in Co Wicklow for the end-of-season keeper’s day, where the gamekeeper gets to thank his beater friends… and it’s looking like she’s the up-and-coming shot, while Jason is having a hard time. ▶ Gamebore supplies the cartridges, Black Gold 36g no 4 Gamebore.com ▶ […]
Irish pigeon roost shoot

In the latest of his Wild Wing Shooting series, Jason Doyle is after pigeons with the Jenkinstown Gun Club, helping look after a a woodland wildlife sanctuary. ▶ Gamebore supplies the Clear Pigeon cartridges Gamebore.com ▶ The Benelli M2 came from GMK GMK.co.uk ▶ Clothing from Jack Pyke JackPyke.co.uk ▶ This item is also sponsored […]