The future for the sporting rifle – Fieldtester, episode 5

The future for the sporting rifle – Fieldtester, episode 5 In this month’s Fieldtester show, Tim Pilbeam leads a group of 13 stalkers who shoot 100s of deer a year, to find out how good or bad copper bullets are. The aim is to group-test copper bullets and check it’s accurate and it kills. In this month’s show, we find out about accuracy, one […]

Will a cheap riflescope work?

Will a cheap riflescope work?

Just because a riflescope is expensive, does it work better? Dan Pool from Braces of Bristol says he can’t see a difference in optics over a certain price level. He says you pay more for a scope for its resale value and for its reliability and after-sales service. For more from Braces of Bristol, visit […]

Airgun pellet gel test

Airgun pellet gel test How good are these pellets at killing?– H&N Baracuda Green– Webley Velocipell– Webley Mosquito Express– Webley VMX PellAirgun expert Johnny Muston from R&K Stockcraft puts them through their paces on ballistic gel to find out. For more from R&K Stockcraft, visit

How night vision has changed the rules for rifle fit

How night vision has changed the rules for rifle fit

Gun fit is a big issue in shotgun shooting, but people forget it’s important for rifle shooting too. Your cheek needs to be resting nicely on the comb, so your head is always in the same place in relation to the scope for the best accuracy and consistent groups. That’s a problem where rifle stocks […]

Copper bullet accuracy test

Copper bullet accuracy test We test six copper rounds for accuracy. This is part of a project run by Tim Pilbeam where 13 deerstalkers keep diaries of how copper bullets perform for them. Stalkers include Steve Goodwin, Steve Bull, Alison Otway of, gamekeeper Rob Beeney and David Sadler set about finding out about copper ammunition. We will […]

Leica Amplus 6 riflescope – review

Leica Amplus 6 riflescope – review Leica has a new entry-level riflescope. Of course, entry level to a top-end name such as Leica does not mean it is under £1,000. However, Tim Pilbeam says that for the money – £1,400 – you get all the Leica quality most of us could want. Tim tried out the 2.5-15×56, which has 6x […]

What to do with a pellet stuck in an airgun barrel?

What to do with a pellet stuck in an airgun barrel? Airgun expert Johnny Muston from R&K Stockcraft explains how to clear your airgun barrel – and tells a few horror stories about barrels that are past saving. For more from R&K Stockcraft, visit


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