Ian Coghill and why the UK’s Moorland Matters – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 47

youtu.be/13AJ1D54uYw Ian Coghill has written the book that the RSPB, the National Trust, Natural England and Wild Justice ought to read. But they won’t. He explains why moorland is so important to the UK, how gamekeepers have got it right when it comes to moorland management, and how the ‘conservation industry’ (the organisations just mentioned) […]
How to bore-sight your rifle

youtu.be/RMXUegkZlCA Introducing a new series of expert tips with Josh McKeown from Braces of Bristol. In this first of the series, Josh explains how to boresight your rifle to get the scope zeroed in as few as three shots. This was filmed at the Braces of Bristol range. Braces offers a wide range of shooting […]
Hunting the buck with rope around its antlers

www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaQkgK7uGk0 It’s the fallow rut and Roy is out twice with his rifle. It’s a good time to see and maybe to take the big animals that spend the rest of the year invisible in woodland. It’s also a good time to shoot the sick, the injured and the unlucky, such as the buck that […]
Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s fallow rut rescue

youtu.be/46MWAqsyOZc Roy Lupton has fallow trouble. The rut is underway but he keeps bumping into problem animals, and it his duty to deal with those. He is out with his rifle in Sussex. Meanwhile, Josh McKeown kicks of a new series for us about rifle skills, filmed at Braces of Bristol’s range. This week, he […]
Firearms licensing emerges from lockdown

Andrew – featured in the film above – had his certifivcate renewed on 12 August 2021. The police evn asked if her would like extra variations, and granted them. At the end of August, two armed officers turned up at his house and asked him, without explanation, to surrender his guns and his certificate. They […]
Antis terrify the wildlife – Fieldsports News, episode 621

www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdB6CBacpzc Here are the links: Antis scare birds off bay – Facebook BASC rejects Packham attack – Fieldsports News Six shots to destroy stag – Cornwall live Master of hounds fined £1,000 – ITV National Trust bosses want a trailhunting ban. How to stop them: Countryside Alliance Police parade broken flintlock – Twitter Guntrader’s new […]