Antis terrify the wildlife – Fieldsports News, episode 621

Here are the links:

Antis scare birds off bay – Facebook

BASC rejects Packham attack – Fieldsports News

Six shots to destroy stag – Cornwall live

Master of hounds fined £1,000 – ITV

National Trust bosses want a trailhunting ban. How to stop them: Countryside Alliance

Police parade broken flintlock – Twitter

Guntrader’s new banking woe – Fieldsports News

Clarkson ‘sorry’ for Countryfile’s Henson – Fieldsports Podcast

Ban trophy imports and it’s goodnight wildlife – Wiley

Police order Italian to sell 100 guns – Facebook

Aussie gun laws tighten – YouTube + NSC

Scrooge squirrel causes Avalanche cache avalanche – Facebook


▶ To watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 621, visit

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