Grouse-shooting 2022 season preview

Grouse-shooting 2022 season preview Antis target the grouse season. They know that disrupting a grouseshooting day will bring them publicity. Their biggest target is opening day, the glorious 12 August, as they know that many driven shoots will be on the moors. The Wentworth estate in the Peak District is one of several that won’t start shooting on […]

Fieldsports Britain – roebuck rut hunt

Fieldsports Britain – roebuck rut hunt The roebuck rut is at its height. Summer evening sport in the dry, dusty days of July and August in the south of England might see you pigeon-shooting. For Paul Childerley, it’s an afternoon on the rainbow and, of course, a roebuck stalk in the evening. He also talks about the painful and personal […]

What riflescopes do our viewers prefer? Our survey says…

What riflescopes do our viewers prefer? Our survey says…

Nearly 700 viewers took part in out centrefire riflescopes survey, out of the massive 3,500 of you who responded to our lockdown surveys in March 2020 – and you reveal that almost all of the scopes you put on your centrefire rifles come from just 16 companies. The survey also shows that you are prepared […]


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