Mark Ripley tests the HIK Micro Alpex scope from Scott Country

Mark Ripley, or 260Rips on YouTube, is best known for shooting foxes at long range on the Sussex Downs. Today, though, he’s after rabbits, testing the HIK Micro Alpex day-night scope on an old CZ .22 rimfire. The Alpex sits well on the rifle. It’s the same shape and size as a regular optical scope, […]
Lead ammo ban will dash Olympic hopes The Westminster government’s new, heavy handed approach to banning lead pellets and bullets will be a disaster for rimfire and airgun shooting. That’s the conclusion of the National Smallbore Rifle Association, GB governing body for disciplines using this ammunition, many of which are Olympic sports The NSRA says a lead ban could be disastrous […]
Precision Rifle Shooting hits Bisley The Precision Rifle Shooting guys and girls head for the home of British shooting, Bisley. Find out how they get on. For more about the Bergara Premier HMR Pro, go to To find a PRS competition near you, contact the GBPRA via Facebook More about target shooting:
Venison burgers – recipe – from Weschenfelder Cai Ap Bryn shows how to create a mouth-watering venison burger, with a little help from Weschenfelder kit Until 31 December 2022, Fieldsports Channel viewers get a 10% discount on the No 12 TreSpade El Eco Mincer, the Spikomat burger press, option of 4in or 5in and all burger mixes. Use the code FSC10 […]
Sab beats up hunt supporter – Fieldsports News, 21 December 2022 Here are the links: Sab hits 81-year-old over the head – Daily Mail Boxing day meets UK interactive map – Countryside Alliance Crunch meeting with tuna minister Shooter jailed for illegal guns – Kent Online Grouse moors exonerated over muirburn English livestock farmers pollute rivers – BBC Four jailed for gun shop burglary – […]
Glorious Derbyshire pheasants with the Seated Gun JP Gaudin takes on driven pheasants in Derbyshire. It’s a crystal clear day, and he deals with a number of shooting problems – not least shooting from a wheelchair. For Eley-Hawk cartridges, visit For JP’s YouTube channel, go to The Seated Gun More game days:
Fieldsports Britain – sparkling driven pheasants It’s a beautiful day for pheasant shooting. We’re in Derbyshire with the Seated Gun, JP Gaudin, enjoying the best driven day. Plus we’re with the Precision Rifle Series crew at Bisley, Cai Ap Bryn has a recipe for venison burgers that should get Ronald McDonald reaching for his chequebook, we look at the government’s […]