Are you the victim of a newspaper trophy hunting story?

Trophy photos action Has a newspaper or other organisation used photographs, without your permission, of you hunting? You might not be able to get them on hatespeech, but you can get them on copyright. Have a look through this gallery to see how we can help: We have a solicitor to represent us. We are […]
Deer management in action: red and roe stalking It is autumn in Cornwall. Ollie has a red stag he would like to shoot and roebucks he needs to shoot. He also has kit to play with. Steiner has lent him its rangefinding LRF binos and he has a top-of-the-range Ranger 8 scope on his rifle. Find out how he gets on. To […]
Pheasants vs adders – Fieldsports News, 22 March 2023 Here are the links: BBC blames pheasants for adder decline – Countryside Alliance BASC attacks RSPB over muirburn – BASC Scottish islanders reject deer cull – Oban Times Pilot project to feed more venison to homeless – Guardian Former DERRA advisor says sheep should go – Daily Mail Wildlife charity wants grey squirrel cull […]
WIN a place on the Aimpoint Academy 2023 Fancy shooting abroad on some of the best ground in the world? And for free? You could win a spot at the AImpoint Academy 2023. One lucky Fieldsports Channel viewer will go through. Apply here: Sign up for our weekly email newsletter watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 703, visit the Fieldsports […]
Majestic capercaillie hunt on skis at -30°C It’s one of the most dramatic landscapes we have hunted. Paul Childerley is after Capercaillie in winter, with snow deep on the ground and the birds hidden in the majesty of the Arctic tundra. He and David are on skis for four days, learning a new style of hunting and in awe of the […]
Steiner Ranger 8 4-32×56 riflescope

Deer stalker Ollie Williams is a sponsored Steiner user, and he’s been using the Steiner Ranger 8 4-32×56 riflescope. He acknowledges that it’s probably more scope than he needs. “I rarely shoot anything over 100 yards,” he says. “I zeroed it once, maybe six months ago, and never had to touch it since.” He knows […]
Fieldsports Britain – wonderland hunting Paul and David are bowled over – literally – by the Arctic landscape they are hunting this week. Paul is after capercaillie and he travels with David to Swedish Lapland to see what the place has to offer. Sit back and enjoy the results. That’s not all. In Cornwall, Ollie Williams is after either […]
Why use Steiner LRF binoculars for hunting?

Steiner is the brand of binoculars that the UK government chooses for the British Army. That says a lot about their quality and ruggedness. But are they suitable for hunting? Deer manager and sporting agent Ollie Williams reckons they are. He’s a sponsored Steiner binoculars user, and uses Steiner’s Ranger LRF model for deerstalking. He […]
Trophy import bill is racist, says MP by Deborah Hadfield Bill Wiggin MP is leading the opposition to a private members’ bill by MP Henry Smith to ban the import of hunting trophies. It’s not just conservation madness in the name of animal rights, it’s racist, too. He says: “I am very, very sensitive about racism. And I spoke out against […]