Assault victim fights gun grab and wins

Lifelong fieldsports enthusiast Chris Sharp was the victim of an unprovoked assault – and police took HIS guns away. Shockingly, 10 months later Chris was told he wouldn’t be getting his shotguns and rifles back – in fact they were going to be destroyed. Chris decided to fight Kent Police in court. He knew it […]
Howa Superlite rifle – review

Ryan Charlton of distributors Highland Outdoors runs through the features of the astoundingly lightweight – at just 4.7 lbs – Howa Superlite rifle. Find out more at Highland Outdoors More rifle reviews here
Fieldsports Britain – Police gun grab victim wins in court

When Kent shooter Chris Sharp got beaten up, the police removed HIS certificate. It’s been a 15-month fight to get it back. Plus Helen Tinner learns about fieldcraft shooting crows on a pig farm. Airgun supremo Terry Doe explains why Dan Thor should keep both eyes open to shoot. Plus Ryan Charlton looks at a […]
Value of shooting is £3.3 billion – Fieldsports News, 5 June 2024

Here are the links: Shooting is worth £3.3 billion to UK economy Contact your election candidates BASC Pine martens get £1.2 million lottery grant Fieldsports members get their seized guns back Wolves attack sheep in Norway NZ hunters can use thermal spotters Debanking ‘unconstitutional’ says US Supreme Court [pdf] […]
FAB 2: latest work of the Fieldsports Advice Bureau

Layla McGuigan from the FAB Fieldsports Advice Bureau says what she has been advising members who are battling police firearms against certificate revocations and renewals refusals. To get access to Layla’s advice, join the Fieldsports Nation and fund our fight for fieldsports in the media – for full details To watch all of Fieldsports […]
Pig farm corvid epidemic

Helen Tinner is out with Nick Elsdon from Anglia Sporting, on a pig farm with a massive corvid problem. Nick does his best to put Helen in the right spot, but the birds are proving very elusive today. Despite all that Helen still has a great day in the hide, and learns a lot about […]