Helen Tinner is out with Nick Elsdon from Anglia Sporting, on a pig farm with a massive corvid problem. Nick does his best to put Helen in the right spot, but the birds are proving very elusive today. Despite all that Helen still has a great day in the hide, and learns a lot about fieldcraft along the way.
Anglia Sporting AngliaSporting.co.uk/
Browning & Miroku guns Browning.eu/
To watch all of Fieldsports Britain, episode 758, visit FieldsportsChannel.tv/fieldsportsbritain758
More corvid shooting here

Pig farm corvid epidemic
Helen Tinner is out with Nick Elsdon from Anglia Sporting, on a pig farm with a massive corvid problem. Nick does his best to put

Red dot shotgun sight on crows
George Lawrence, a young dairy farmer from Essex, is having trouble with crows, rooks and jackdaws making a mess and eating the cattle feed. Now

First flight of the crow-copter
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NMuBDaqy_s Matt Turley is showcasing his big new idea. What Sikorsky did for the helicopter, Matt is doing for crow shooting. Behold: the crowcopter (also

Cattle farm crow decoying
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj8GMcDEl4k When crows, rooks and jackdaws hit the cattle feed, this Sussex farmer calls in Tristan Surgey. Tris explains how he decoys the corvids –

Beef farm crow shoot
www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl2xUGUurpo Crows, rooks and jackdaws are piling in to cattle feed on a farm in Sussex. A farmyard is a tricky site for a full-on

General licences 2022: what you can and can’t shoot
Updated 23 March 2022 This page shows advice by country: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland After two years of shambles, general licences across the UK