First flight of the crow-copter
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NMuBDaqy_s Matt Turley is showcasing his big new idea. What Sikorsky did for the helicopter, Matt is doing for crow shooting. Behold: the crowcopter (also
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NMuBDaqy_s Matt Turley is showcasing his big new idea. What Sikorsky did for the helicopter, Matt is doing for crow shooting. Behold: the crowcopter (also
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkptDjlVSnk Matt Turley asks Dan Thor to join him on his pig farm crow shooting duties in Somerset. First of all, up go the decoys
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZARiKh4oCg Matt Turley and Nigel White are shooting corvids over drilled barley. All three species on the pest list in England are dropping in and
It’s Exmoor high-bird shooting but without the expense. Matt Turley and Nigel White are decoying corvids and pigeons on the edge off one of
Fieldsports Nation member Alex Sorisi so liked the look of Matt Turley’s crow shooting set-up, he asked if he and his sister would have
Poor Matt Turley. You invite a team of guns to come and shoot rabbits – and the bunnies don’t want to play. They don’t
Matt Turley is back – and this time he is shooting crows, rooks and jackdaws over an orchard. He is protecting the apple crop
Do you have old, out-of-shape pigeon decoys? Do you have anything even vaguely crow-shaped you can use instead? You can use it to make your
Matt Turley and Nigel White know how to put on a good day. It’s 100-200 birds and it only costs £20 for the day.
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