Mike Powell

What about the fox cubs?

What about the fox cubs?

Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Mike Powell answers one of the big questions of foxshooting: what about the cubs? He has got a litter of cubs

Best thermal imager for foxshooting

Best thermal imager for foxshooting

In the last in the current series of Outfoxing, Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Mike Powell turns the weight of his experience on thermal imaging, how

Best night vision for foxshooters

Best night vision for foxshooters

Sporting Rifle magazine expert Mike Powell selects the best night vision for foxshooting. This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 282. To watch

Should you take up reloading?

Should you take up reloading?

Mike Powell has mixed feelings about it – but he understands why people do enjoy reloading. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain, episode 281. To

Best Foxshooting Lamps

Best Foxshooting Lamps

What do you take out lamping? Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Mike Powell has strong views, not just on which lamps but whether you need a

Top Tips for Baiting Foxes

Top Tips for Baiting Foxes

Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Mike Powell on how to bait foxes, and how to check on their habits afterwards. This item appears in Fieldsports Britain,

Fox boxes, with Mike Powell

Fox boxes, with Mike Powell

Sporting Rifle magazine expert Mike Powell runs through what makes the ideal fox box, for waiting out for a fox, how it works and how

How to call foxes, with Mike Powell

How to call foxes, with Mike Powell

Sporting Rifle magazine expert Mike Powell runs through his fox calling techniques and the fox calls he cannot live without. The calls Mike is showcasing

Shooting in a camo mankini

Shooting in a camo mankini

Camo is not only important hunting tool but, for some, a lifestyle choice. Does it really mean the difference between hunting success and failure? And


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