Enjoy fantastic flights as falconer Roy Lupton flies his golden eagles on blue hares in Scotland. He has his #eaglecam set-up on the back of the birds, so it feels like Lord of the Rings as the eagles stoop on the hares. Plus he has folk coming to supper so he’s out with his goshawk after dark to catch rabbits, too. It all makes for a fabulous lapine stroganoff. In the South of England, gamekeeper Paul Childerley has put on another superb driven pheasant day and relaxes in the evening by flighting duck with a neighbouring keeper. Find out how he does that. There’s what we’re up to at the British Shooting Show the weekend, Hunting YouTube and the News Stump in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain
Here are the links:
▶ #Eaglecam
Click here for all our films with Roy
▶ Modern Gamekeeper‘
Modern Gamekeeper’s sponsors are:
Marsdens MarsdensFeeds.co.uk
Remington RaytradeUK.co.uk
Shooterking Shooterking.co.uk
Barnes VOR-TX ammunition RaytradeUK.co.uk
To go shooting on Paul’s shoot, visit ChilderleySporting.co.uk
Click here for all our films with Paul
▶ British Shooting Show
Visit ShootingShow.co.uk
▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation. Just £/$/€4.99 a month gets you Fieldsports Channel membership on YouTube. Click here
▶ News is sponsored by Percussion Percussion-Europe.com
Packham aims ‘Wild Justice’ at shooters
School bows to animal rights death threats
Anti hunt extremists turn to dognapping
Dog mauls deer on ski slope
For a full news round-up, go to FieldsportsChannel.tv/category/fieldsportsnews
▶ Here are the films in Hunting YouTube: