Here’s how to call in bucks and shoot them at close-range. Roy Lupton uses his expert calling skills to bring roebucks from 100s of yards to a few metres, so he can swap between his riflescope and an Aimpoint Acro gunsight, mounted on the side of his scope. Plus Fieldsports Nation member Alex Sorisi so enjoyed Matt Turley shooting crows, he wanted to have a go too. He takes a camera to the Somerset pig farm and sends us the results. We also have the results of our centrefire scopes survey: what do you use to shoot deer, foxes and other larger game? Meanwhile, news editor Ben O’Rourke is out factchecking Wild Justice’s wild claims. He talks to grousemoor owners and finds out that Chris Packham’s line ‘grousemoors cause flooding’ is fake news. Charlie puts out the best hunting videos via this week’s Hunting YouTube and David is sitting on the News Stump. Find out more in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain
Here are the links to the individual items in this show:
Alex Sorisi so liked the look of Matt Turley’s crow shooting set-up, he asked if he and his sister would have a go.
For Fieldtester, visit or go to its YouTube channel
You can read more about James Mawle and his moorland management in the GWCT’s publication, Moorland Conservationists. Download it for £2.99 and £3.99
Fieldsports News
Packham tries to split shooters over grouse
Hedgehog numbers halve but not because of habitat loss – GWCT
Dog thefts continue after lockdown. For the Blyth spaniel thief, contact Brad 07709 896965 and Facebook
US gunmaker Remington up for grabs
French fishermen targeted in ‘arson attack’ – Puissance TV
Rhinos threatened due to coronavirus ‘cure’ – SCMP
Hunter highlights ‘scandal’ antis are ignoring – Facebook
Aussie gets prison time for kangaroo killings – Daily Mail
Cyprus MPs urged to reject bird hunting bill – Cyprus Mail and Facebook
Lead ammunition gets temporary reprieve in Europe – Sporting Shooter
Florida removes 5,000th Burmese python – MYFWC
Boar attacks livestock – Facebook
Donald Trump campaign ads stuck on wild bears – Daily Mail
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