Fieldsports Britain – Crow’s simulated shocker


Andy Crow faces some of the highest clays he has ever seen. He is on a sim game day in Oxfordshire with a range of personalities including England former rugby player Tom Croft, Olympic shooting gold medallist Peter Wilson and our own Paul Childerley. We also have a shooting star explaining how you can shoot better. World champion Sam Green talks us through the high crosser. Tim Pilbeam reviews Swarovski’s much-talked-about NL Pure binoculars, and news editor Ben O’Rourke gauges reaction to the RSPB’s game bird review, which calls for new restrictions on shooting sports. Charlie showcases the best hunting videos on YouTube for Hunting YouTube, and David is sitting on the News Stump – all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

Truly Simulated
For more from Truly Simulated, visit
Additional camera work:

High Crossers
For Browning, go to
Sam shoots with a B525 Ultra XS
For lessons with Sam Green, visit

Email Fieldsports Channel news editor Ben O’Rourke


Gunslip offer
Click here for Clunys Country Store gunslip offer, or go straight to the individual slips: shotgun slip + rifle case + rifle zip case


Fieldsports News

Here are the links:
Civil servant turned activist calls for ‘taking back the countryside’ – Facebook
Bid to protect post-Brexit food standards rejected – BBC
Walkers annoyed about open access land closure – Twitter
Hunts may scrap traditional Boxing Day meets – Daily Telegraph
Queen honours Scottish gamekeeper
Big cats ‘booming’ in Britain, say trackers – Daily Mail
Research to examine survival of hares released after coursing – Independent
Squirrel pox sniffing spaniel could save reds, says owner – Belfast Telegraph
Democrat Joe Biden threatens gun crackdown if elected –
Police probe Finn who shot wolf to protect dog –
Florida wildlife officers bag once-in-a-lifetime snake – CBS

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Hunting YouTube


For our gun and hunting YouTube channel rankings visit

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