Fieldsports Britain – Roy’s big morning on deer and foxes

Roy sets out to stalk a roebuck – and the day is a lot more successful than he hopes. Find out what happens. Meanwhile, Charlie has always wanted to catch a Lough Neagh river-run trout – a dollaghan – so he is Northern Ireland to do that, plus he heads to the Glens of Antrim to research the latest on one local politician’s ambition to ban foxhunting. Paul Childerley shows off his knife skills and we are giving away a Browning Maxus 2 semi-auto. Find out how to enter that competition. David has the latest news on the News Stump, Charlie showcases the top hunting and shooting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube – it’s the weekly magic of #FieldsportsBritain

Offers, prizes and campaigns
For the Browning Maxus 2, visit
For our #WritetoBoris campaign, visit

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

Hunting YouTube

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