Paul Childerley is suffering from stalker stress. He is not sure he has hit his roebuck cleanly, so he sets out to track it down. He shows what to look for, both blood and scuff marks. find out if he is successful. Meanwhile, we are back on the farm on the Isle of Wight that lost 200 lambs to crows in 2019. Pest controllers have got on top of the crow population but now there’s a threat they aren’t allowed to touch: ravens and badgers. We gave away a £1,200 Browning Maxus 2 semi-auto this week and we are now giving away a £900 Yildiz Steel Sporter. Find out how to enter that competition, watch David with the latest from the News Stump and Charlie has the best hunting and shooting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s #FieldsportsBritain
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