England mulls new gun laws following mass shooting – Fieldsports News, 18 August 2021

Here are the links:
Plymouth shootings shock nation – BASC
Do satellite trackers kill birds?
FedEx stops firearms distribution worldwide – SIFA
Trophy ban consultation – Parliament link
Devon gets new rifle range – Pinhoe TSC
GB’s first target sprint gold – TargetSprint.com
Rural theft survey says lockdown helped – NFUMutual
Glorious Twelfth celebration – YouTube
No place for wolves in Norway – Dagbladet
Gun buy-back cost more to run than it paid out – RNZ
American conservation stamp in new row – Bloomberg
How ad gurus adopted rhino hunting – eBay

▶ To watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 612, visit Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain612

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