It’s been a long, sad summer for Geoff Garrod. The reason? No pigeons to shoot. At last they are back, and he is in the hide and happy. Meanwhile, it could be a tough winter for pheasant shooting as bird flu grips the UK countryside. Deborah finds out what shoots and shooters should be doing. And how accurate are you with a rifle? The F Class boys at Bisley can put a hole in a small plate at 1,000 yards, and they reveal how. ATN showcases its night vision scope, we are giving away a day on a rifle accuracy course with SharpShootingUK priced at £379, Meredyth is on the news stump, and James Marchington has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain


  • Find instant deals on the Browning Maxus 2 on Kitfinder 

  • Find the Mileseey BNV20 night vision binoculars here 
  • For more about SharpShootingUK go to and click here to book courses 
  • Fieldsports Live: please reserve your ticket(s) here 

  • 10% off Atacama Pro Dehydrator. Use discount code FS10 at checkout. Offer valid until 31 October 2022.
  • 20% off Bradley Smokers. Use discount code FIELDSPORTS at the checkout. Offer valid until 31 December 2022. Visit
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