With wild boar the world’s number-one big-game pest, Tim Pilbeam learns how to sit out and wait for them with a thermal spotter and a rifle. He could be in many countries in the world – everyone is dealing with wild boar over-populations these days. On this occasion, he is in Argentina, where the wild boar has found the scrubby edge of the pampas to its liking and has bred to fit. That’s not all. Cai Ap Bryn has a recipe for venison steak that takes it to the sublime, Charlie goes to Devon to find out about PRS Precision Rifle Series shooting, and we find out why the man from ATN doesnt leave home without one of his company’s thermal spotters. We are giving away a BugASalt shotgun (for flies), Meredyth is on the news stump, and James Marchington has the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain


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