Fieldsports Britain – Clarissa Dickson-Wright on what she would like to do to a badger

It’s the cooks and books episode! We’ve got Clarissa Dickson-Wright (that’s not a real picture in case you wondered) talking about her book Potty, wich has 100 of Clarissa’s favourite recipes that can all be cooked in one dish in the oven or on the hob. Clarissa also talks about her forthcoming book, a history of British cookery since the Second Crusade. And, being Clarissa, she reveals the best ways to cook both badger and seal. Meanwhile, Sporting Shooter chef Mark Gilchrist is out pigeon shooting and trying out the Idleback Chairs new pigeon-shooting chair. We start the programme with another book: Cleve Edmonston’s Tales of a London Poacher. Cleve takes us for a walk around London’s East End and shows where he used to go pigeon, rabbit and duck shooting, and –crucially — how he avoided the attentions of the Old Bill.

Here are the links:

London Poacher

Pigeon shooting chair

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