Ollie Williams is disabled – it’s short-term, and it’s not stopping him from hosting a shoot day at home in Cornwall. We join him and friends to see how he copes on sticks. Meanwhile, Fieldsports Nation member Dave Hays has a mission to introduce Scout groups to wild game. He explains how he takes his message around the South-East of England, and how a connection to the countryside benefits the Scouts. Plus there is good news for foxshooters. The UK government is to pay a cash bounty for foxshooting under its ‘ELMs’ Environmental Land Management grants scheme. Deborah Hadfield finds out more. We are giving away a set of Spartan rifle bipods, kindly donated by Bailey’s Shooting & Countrywear, priced at £289. David has the news stump bulletin, and James Marchington presents the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s another packed #FieldsportsBritain
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