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Matt Turley has a new kind of crow decoy. It’s a rotary on a pole that makes it look like crows are circling over the apple orchard where he is shooting. The crowcopter or ‘Turley whirlie’ is the highlight of a morning’s corvid shooting on this Somerset farm. Meanwhile, in Lincolnshire, Joe Wood MBE takes his First World War Mauser out for a muntjac. And news correspondent Deborah Hadfield looks at depression in the countryside – can you report it if you have it or do you risk your gun certificate? And Ryan Charlton has a pretty set of binos to talk about  from German Precision Optics. Staying on glass, we are giving away Leica binos priced at £700, David straddles the news stump, and James Marchington is putting out for it with the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s another seductive #FieldsportsBritain



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