Two hunts – two different approaches: Oxfordshire squirrel shooters Des and Keith have worked out how to do their pest control in luxury, with a well-appointed hide and a feed station just yards away. Tim Pilbeam does it the hard way, visiting Pulsar’s night vision and thermal optics factories in the Baltic, learning about the future of hunting and AI, and then taking the latest thermal tech out to try for a Latvian wild boar. Meanwhile, Deborah is in Northern Ireland, looking at the disaster that is the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s firearms licensing, now putting both shooters and the public at risk. We are giving away Game Fair tickets priced at a total of £300, David is on the news stump, and James Marchington puts up for your delectation the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain
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