Two old men are getting to grips with modern thermal this week. Robert Bucknell and Nigel Fulton have the latest from HIKMicro to try out on deer. Meanwhile, Tom Davies is on Dartmoor with kit from Pulsar on the hunt for rabbits. He puts in some pretty shooting to make his bag in record time. News feature this week looks at Prince Harry’s organisation African Parks and how it plans to release 2,000 rhinos across Africa. SUCO says people are going to die. And we have plugs for our Poke Packham auction, the next Fieldsports Live event (this Friday) and our latest podcast. Dan Bibb from Shooting Sports UK reviews the Webley & Scott Pro Comp, we are giving away Jack Pyke clothing priced at nearly £100, David brings you the news from the news stump, and James Marchington puts out the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain



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Hunting YouTube


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