With the first silage cut in Devon, Tom Davies is hitting the foxes hard, using a clever trick with his IR lamp. We’re off to beautiful Halston Hall in Shropshire for a fabulous simulated game day with our prizewinner. Airgun master Terry Doe is teaching young Reece Chart the importance of trigger technique and follow-through. Cai Ap Bryn is cooking a summer BBQ favourite – bumper-sized venison burgers with a Weschenfelder twist. Plus we’re giving away a squirrel feeder, David has the news on the news stump, and James brings you the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain
- For Fieldsports Channel membership – now with insurance – go to FieldsportsChannel.tv/membership
- Katie Hargreaves KatieHargreavesArt.com
- Tom’s Targets Bit.ly/tomstargets
- Farming Britain on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook
- Had problems with newspapers over hunting or shooting? FieldsportsChannel.tv/trophystoryvictims/
Here are the links to the individual items in this show:
Turning Hogs Into Bait & Spearing Gators in the Everglades!
FINDING BIG FOOT BOAR! Hunting down an elusive wild hog.
Coyote CHARGES into 20 YARDS!
LONGBEARD AT 3 YARDS!! (Turkey Hunting in the Fog)
Toddler Joins on Airgun Hunting Adventure
End of Season Deer Cull: Classic Fallow Deer Pave | E08 | Chef Mike Robinson
The West London Shooting School
Scottish foxhounds to France
Hunting YouTube
A d v e r t i s e m e n t