Caroline Bedell on the value of shooting – FieldsportsChannel Podcast, episode 67

UK shooting and countryside groups are joining forces to commission new research into the economic, environmental and social value of shooting. BASC, Countryside Alliance, the National Gamekeepers Organisation, the Moorland Association and the Gun Trade Association are among those involved in the survey. They are calling on shooters to take part. The independent research specialists, Cognisense, will obtain facts and figures which will reflect the importance of shooting in the UK. The previous report in 2014 revealed at least 600,000 people in the UK shoot live quarry, clay pigeons or targets. The value of shooting was worth £2 billion to the UK economy. The new report will be published in 2023. BASC’s Caroline Bedell explains the survey to Charlie Jacoby at the Carter Jonas Game Fair Theatre 2022.

For the survey, go to

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