Blowing up barrels – Fieldtester, episode 8

In this episode of Fieldtester we push shotguns barrels to the limit. Using real ‘in the field’ scenarios, we stuff the barrels with soil, sand, cartridge wads, ice, water and one of the most commonly discussed issues, a 20-bore shell accidentally inserted in front of a 12-bore shell. We also get a little carried away.

Helping us with the destruction test is sporting journalist Tim Pilbeam, joined on the Fieldtester range by CattyShack’s Wayne Martin, who is also a keen clay shot. Together with Fieldsports Channel’s David Wright, they do their best to find out just what it’ll take to blow the barrels off some pre-loved and “seen better days” shotguns. 

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:
A d v e r t i s e m e n t


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