Fishing Britain – Sea Bass off the Pembrokeshire Coast

The wild Pembrokeshire coastline is a place to pitch your tent and go fishing for many species from the rocks or the beach. Or you could combine the two if you use the “Jacoby Surf fisher” find it here –

Matt Powell guides people for bass fishing and then treats them to a fine dining experience made from fresh seafood, wild mushrooms and whatever else he can find in the hedgerows.

Dave Mickelwright also takes on the Fishing Britain Target challenge and we tell you how you can have a go too!

In this weeks FBN we have a terrified terrier takes a tumble, illegal canoeists and are the cutthroat trout of Montana heading for extinction?

And Charlie rounds up the best of fishing on youtube for this week.

Here are the links:

Sitka SSSC
Die Angelfreunde
Thundermist Lures
Tex Grebner Outdoors

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