H&M owners abandon roots to ban trailhunting in Wiltshire

The family behind fashion chain H&M is banning trailhunting over 16,000 acres it owns in Wiltshire and Berkshire. The ban is the latest move in a media campaign by ITV News to force landowners to ban trailhunting in England.

Former H&M chairman Stefan Persson is behind the ban. Persson’s father Erling Persson founded the shop when his Hennes brand bought the Mauritz Widforss hunting goods retailer in Sweden, putting the M into H&M.

H&M still owns the Widforss hunting retail brand. However, Swedish hunters are appalled to hear that Persson is abandoning the roots of the retail chain by banning trailhunting.

Anti-hunting: Carolyn and Stefan Persson


ITV News claims it has been told there will be no hunting on the land ‘for the foreseeable future’ after allegations were made against the local Vine & Craven Hunt.

Ramsbury still sells pheasant and partridge shooting, as advertised here. The shoot on the Ramsbury Estate is run over 4,500 acres covering North East Wiltshire, West Berkshire and North Hampshire.

Persson family companies bought Ramsbury in 1997 for £17 million.

Antis have targeted Ramsbury in the past. Local press ran a story about a video of a death pit containing dead foxes.

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