How to tie the Ally Shrimp

Here is Ally Gowans – the man who invented it – showing how to dress the Ally Shrimp.

Here are the Ally Shrimp flytying ingredients:

  • Partridge ‘Patriot’ No 4. Also consider Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hooks.
  • Red tying silk / micro threads.
  • Krystal Flash or Ultra Flash.
  • Orange buck tail or goat hair.
  • Flat silver tinsel or wire, or Pearlescent tinsel.
  • Red floss or Red Salmon Floss.
  • Squirrel tail.
  • Clear or Red Varnish.
  • Orange hackle or orange schlappen feathers.
  • Golden pheasant tippet


You can buy almost all of this from QualiTyeFishing on eBay:

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