Welsh shoots face ‘firebreak’ ban – Fieldsports News, 21 October 2020


Here are the links:

Lockdown loses Welsh shoots £1 million+ – Cambrian Birds
Coronavirus lockdown year ‘worst ever’ for dog thefts – BBC
Boxing Day hunts will go ahead, but with lockdown restrictions – Countryside Alliance
Farmers force BBC to take down anti-meat programme – Daily Mail
Another BBC presenter says countryside is racist – Daily Mail
Sab punches landowner in face – claim – Farmers’ Weekly
Vegan extremists vandalise Norwich butchers’ shops – Instagram
German hunters hit back at online bullies – DJV
Australian state says gel-blaster toy guns need licences – South Australia Police
US government sued for not protecting Africa’s giraffes – Humane Society
Five-year state of nature in the EU study ignores effect of cats – Guardian
Mighty moose takes aim at hunter – Facebook

To watch all of FieldsportsBritain, episode 569, visit Fcha.nl/fieldsportsbritain569

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