New gun bans heading to the UK – Fieldsports News, 25 November 2020


Here are the links:

England faces new round of gun bans. Take part in the Home Office survey
Shoots resume on 2 December after government double U-turn – Fieldsports News
Grouse shooting under ‘sustained attack’ as ministers back muirburn ban – Daily Telegraph
JCB hoists hunt sabs’ car to stop attacks – Kent Messenger and Facebook
Wiltshire police warn of roaming gang of dog thieves – Facebook and Daily Telegraph
Derbyshire cops appeal for help after bagged deer dump – Facebook
Princess Diana’s family guns up for auction – Fieldsports News
Big promotion week for venison and pheasant – Taste of Game media release and BGA media release
Vegans more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters – Daily Mirror
Game tags soar as Americans with lockdown fatigue head outside – Fox News
Mysterious monolith puzzles wildlife rangers – DPS News
Don’t let moose lick your car, Canadians warned – CNN

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