How to find the best pellet for your air rifle

To get the best out of your air rifle, you need to find the pellet that works best in your gun. Some air rifles seem to ‘like’ some pellets – and not like others.

James Head, from Devon-based airgun shop Crackshot, heads to the range above the shop to try a selection of pellets in his Daystate Huntsman.

He shoots five different pellets, shooting a group of five shots with each at a distance of 20 metres. First pellet is the JSB Exact. James has zeroed with this pellet, and it shoots a lovely tight single hole group in the centre of the target.

The other pellets strike the target slightly off-centre – unsurprisingly, as the gun isn’t zeroed for them; this test is about group size.

All the other groups are slightly larger than the JSB Exacts, with the odd flyer extending the group size. James says all the pellets have performed well, and the groups are perfectly acceptable at this range – but he’ll be sticking with the JSB Exacts.

Find out more about Devon and online airgun shop Crackshot at

More on airguns from Fieldsports Channel's Fieldtester

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