Stalker shoots unusual roebuck in Scotland

Fieldsports Nation member Rod Entwistle shot a perruque buck in May 2023 on his ground in Berwickshire in the the Scottish Borders. He shot the animal with a custom .308, using Norma 150gr ammunition and off Viperflex sticks.

Rod first saw the buck in April 2023. He was out stalking with a friend at the time. “Unfortunately, the guy with me buck-fevered it at 60 metres,” he says. “I have been looking for it ever since and had assumed it was dead until a brief glimpse of it.”Rod headed out at 3am the following morning to try to get into the area under the cover of darkness. He says: “I was slowly moving along the track when I saw what I thought was a deer on the field/track edge. I waited to see if it would move so as not to spook anything else in the area. As the light gradually came up I could see it was the perruque that I’d been looking for. I waited for it to give me a quartering shot and it dropped on the spot.

“I cannot believe the size of the head. He was in poor body condition and can only have been a few days away from a terrible end. Glad to have put him out of his misery and to have a memory of a lifetime.”

Rod is going to have it shoulder mounted. “I have never seen one before and in all probability will never see one again,” he says.

Watch Ollie Rampley's perruque buck story here:

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