Red deer stalking in Cumbria

Whilst test-driving the new Subaru Forester we thought it would be rude not to try some hill stalking in the stunning wild Cumbrian countryside. Sporting Shooter Magazine editor Dom Holtam is finding the going hard as we go after a young stag but the plan changes when we spot two unhealthy hinds. This item first […]
Fast action ratting with terriers

Andy Crow is clearing the barn of straw which has become home to lots and lots of rats – and he wants them off the farmyard. As a final effort to get rid of as many as possible Andy has enrolled the help of a couple of terriers, a lurcher and a lab/springer cross. […]
Fieldsports Britain : Stalking red deer + high-octane ratting with terriers

He’s hunting stags but it’s a mercy killing as Sporting Shooter editor Dom Holtam takes out two unhealthy red hinds from the Cumbrian herd in this week’s show. He also takes time to test the new Subaru Forester.. has the farmer’s friend gone soft? Andy Crow’s rat problem comes to an end thanks to a […]